Salman Khan: Controversy’s favourite child

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 27 2010]

Bollywood macho hunk and the man with a heart bigger than his biceps is again in news and of course, as usual not for his fault. Bollywood’s most misunderstood brat has caught the ire of the Shiv Sena.

Salman’s new ad for a chewing gum has not gone down well with the Shiv Sena activists. They say that the TV ad featuring Salman ill-represent a cow, considered a sacred animal in Hinduism.

Shiv Sena activists in Amritsar have burnt the actor’s posters and effigies as a mark of protest.

The ad shows Salman as a cowherd dressed in Rajasthani gear. He feeds the chewing gum to the cow and instead of milk, the cow stars giving ice-cream.

According to the Sena there are several ways to make an ad. Why to show a sacred animal of the Hindus in such a bad light? Meanwhile, the bosses in Mumbai are unaware of the protest.

Shiv Sena’s spokesperson Rahul Navrekar said, “We have no idea about it. It is not an official agitation by the party; it’s just one single unit that is protesting.”

Adman Prasoon Joshi, who wrote the script for this ad, calls these protests “bizarre”. “I respect religion and am a religious person myself. The ad is just a childish way of putting a story forward. There is nothing controversial about it,” says Joshi, adding on a note of anger, “The real cows, which are diseased or ageing, need help more than the fictional ones.”

Salman however doesn’t mind such agitations and is geared up for his Eid Bonanza ‘Dabangg’ which means ‘strong’ and ‘powerful’.